Workout From Home Tips and Tricks


This workout from home thing has been a challenge for me.... but I think I figured it out!

In my earlier years, I had no problem taking a class by myself, I actually enjoyed it. As I got older and switched from a 9-5 career into a passion driven entrepreneur, I found myself teaching yoga classes more than taking classes.  Accountability became something I need and now lean on my friends and husband to meet at the studio.

A few years back, I created a home “studio”  which also doubles as my office. I’ve had some great days of free flowing movement and enjoy writing my sequences from that space. The one thing that has always been a challenge (anywhere except the yoga studio) has been taking someone else's class. 

Because of this new “lifestyle” I was asked to teach classes online and while at first I said no, I’m really loving having a YouTube channel. The thing that continues to strike me as difficult is taking a class, especially from the comfort of my own home. 

Not until week 7 of quarantine have I really “found” my formula to get on my mat and take a class by myself.

I took a poll on my instagram page and found that half of you LOVE doing your yoga from home and the other half struggle.

I fall into the category of struggle bus for at home workouts and I’ve tried a lot of different things. I've based my research on the type of class that I like to take, so let me explain; 

I love yoga, I believe in mindful movement, I enjoy a specific type of music (no words in my music for my yoga playlist), my mind shifts quickly so even an hour class can be too long for me. I’m very (LIKE VERY) particular with whom I take classes from. I like alignment based teachers, with a soft yet strong voice, I want someone to remind me to breathe and breathe well. I will only take a safe class and I like the language to be impeccable with words that are descriptive and get me to the places I need to go. I don’t need to do every posture in one class, in fact, I prefer to focus on one peak pose and use my entire body to safely arrive in a posture. I love the element of a pause, not only in the body but with words as well.

I wanted to share the top 5 things that have helped get me on my mat (at home) and take class after all this time:


1. I prefer classes live

I enjoy being able to take class on a computer or TV rather than my phone. The screen is bigger and signing up for a live class brings accountability.

2. Try adding music

If you stream from a computer you can have your own playlist going in the background via another open window like Spotify. I feel like music really gets me in the zone and can keep me going.

3. Shorter classes are better

I have tried both long classes and micro workouts and I find that the sweet spot is 30-45 minutes. I am warmed up enough to move my body carefully and I get less distracted by the dishes or laundry. 

4. Zoom makes me accountable

I recently taught and took a Zoom class and DANG! It’s the closest thing to the real deal. If you also fall into the same category of needing accountability and crave connection you can find it with a zoom class. It’s the reason I started a workshop series where you can flow with others and have the opportunity to ask questions about the postures and practice. 

5. Airpods

Or as I sometimes call them earpods LOL. Slip them in. open a window in youtube or zoom. Commit to a class. Open a second window with spotify. Adjust the volume so you can hear the teacher and the music. Start to flow! If you need a playlist, I have my yoga music here for you! 

I hope this helps with your workouts and yoga from home. If you have any other tips and tricks I’d love to hear about them! 

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Yogahome, workout, Yoga